The Bioseniatic℠ Laboratory—List of Analytical Services

Below is a list of the analytical tests we offer, what each analyzes, and our proposed testing parameters. Please note:

  • Experimental parameters may vary for optimization.
  • Provide enough sample for each test, along with a brief description and/or sample code.
  • All prices are quoted per project. Email us details about your project, let us know you want a quote, and we’ll be in touch.
  • An electronic results report on your experiments will be prepared after completion of all tests. The raw tabulated data may also be provided for each experiment in electronic form by request.

Ship your samples to:

The University of Georgia
Riverbend Research South
220 Riverbend Road, Room 177
Athens, GA 30602

Analytical Services

Oscillatory and Rotational Rheology

Surveys storage and loss moduli with isothermal temperature steps over a frequency range. Optimizes strain, frequency, and temperature conditions.

Oscillatory Temperature Ramp: Determines frequency and temperature dependent gel points and liquefaction. High temperature and moduli resolution.

Oscillatory Frequency Sweep: Determines complex viscosity. Varies frequency at a set temperature and strain. High frequency and moduli resolution.

Rotational Flow Experiments: Determines shear-dependent viscosity, zero-shear viscosity, and infinite shear viscosity.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent. Please discuss prior to submission of samples for analysis.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

High resolution SEM with EDS capabilities.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent. Please discuss needs, sample preparation, and geometry prior to submission of samples.

Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)

Multiple GPC Options with various detectors including RI, UV, viscometry, and light scattering.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent. Current solvent is chloroform, but can use others including THF, DMF, etc.

Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) capabilities include powders, KBr pellet, liquids, fibers, and films.

Proposed Parameters: 3500-600 CM3 routine analysis.

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

Investigating thermal stability of solid or liquid materials under conditions of ramping temperature in an inert gas atmosphere or in an oxidative gas atmosphere.

Proposed Parameters: TGA can also be conducted at constant temperature to evaluate thermal stability of materials over a specific time period. (VOC emission, offgassing, etc.)

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Measure phase transitions, percent crystallinity, etc.

Proposed Parameters: -60 to 500° C available at different heat ramps. Modulated DSC available.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)

Measuring mechanical properties as a function of time, temperature, and frequency.

Proposed Parameters: Can perform analysis on films, fibers, DMA bars, etc. single and dual cantilever available, along with tensile testing clamps.

Tensile and Compression Testing

Standard tensile testing with 1 kN load cell.

Proposed Parameters: Modulus of elasticity, toughness.

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Morphology, nanoscale phase separation, adhesion, mechanical properties of thin films.

Proposed Parameters: Quantitative nanomechanical mapping allows imaging of morphology along with mechanical measurements such as modulus, adhesion, etc.

Compounding, Extrusion, and Injection Molding

Labscale twin screw extruder with co-rotating and counter rotating screws capable of compounding, blending, and performing reactions in the melt.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent. Injection molding of DMA bars, Type 5 Dogbones, and rheology pucks (25mm).


Respirometry studies that follow ASTM or ISO standards to evaluate biodegradation.

Proposed Parameters: Sample and time dependent. Please inquire separately for a quote that serves the need of your company. Rate is dependent on the number of sample chambers used for testing.

Raman Microscopy

Morphologi 4 Raman Microscope that can do wet and dry analysis across the entire measurable size range. Measures size, shape, transparency, count, location (20+ parameters). Particle sizes between 5.0µm—1300µm. Automated “sharp edge” analysis enables detection of low contrast particles. Improved CCD detector combined with 60x objective provides enhanced resolution of small particles.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent.

Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR)

Measures the water vapor transmission rate of thin films and coated substrates using high precision infrared sensor. Conforms to ASTM F1249, ISO 15106-2, TAPPI T557.

Proposed Parameters: Sample dependent. Standard test range 0.01-40g/m2-day, 50cm2 test area, ≤3mm film thickness, 15-55° C temperature range, 0%RH, 35-90%RH, 100%RH.

Melt-Flow Index (MFI)

Measures the flow properties of polymers under a specific weight load and temperature. The results indicate how many grams of polymer flow through a die in 10 minutes (grams/10 minutes).

Proposed Parameters: User will provide at least 10g of sample and specify the load and temperature desired for testing. Loads available are 2.06 kg, 4.9 kg, 6.6 kg, or 10 kg. Temperature range is 150-400° C.